Dr. Michael A. Levin

Dr. Michael Levin has been a full-time faculty member for more than 15 years. He started at a small private higher education institute, Otterbein University, before moving to a larger public higher education institute, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Dr. Levin has taught various courses, from First Year Seminars to Senior Seminars to MBA courses. He has also taught almost every Marketing course possible.
He won a Pride/Ferrell Teaching Innovation Award and has been a finalist on three other occasions. Dr. Levin has published several times in Marketing Education Review’s teaching innovation special issue and has co-edited the issue on three different occasions. In 2023, he won the Society for Marketing Advances’ Distinguished Teacher Award.
Along with his colleague, Dr. Bruce C. Bailey, Dr. Levin has published several teaching cases related to physical store retailing and vending. These cases continue to be adopted.
Outside of the classroom, Dr. Levin has done training and development for several businesses and organizations, including 2020 Business, AB InBev, and the National Association of College Stores.
Dr. Levin remains available to share your frustrations and hear about your success with the textbook and BizCafe. Please do not hesitate to contact him.