Insights from our latest StratSim webinar

We recently hosted a webinar reviewing our comprehensive strategy simulation, StratSim! The focus was on practical decision-making, highlighting the simulation’s realistic environment and new scenario, 3+3!
Missed the webinar? Here’s a quick recap!
Overview: We explored StratSimMarketing and StratSimManagement, noting that while the core simulation is the same, StratSimMarketing includes all marketing research tools by default. StratSimManagement features an international module and focuses more on management and operations, with marketing tools available as options.
Logistics and New 3+3 Scenario: The webinar covered the logistics of setting up your course, including schedule samples, incidents (mini-cases), scenario options, and results. We introduced our new 3+3 scenario, which splits six firms into two groups: three value-oriented high-volume and three high-end low-volume manufacturers (other team configurations are possible as well). Each firm has a home region with an established dealer network, a secondary region where they are a minor player, and a third region with no presence. This setup enhances strategic complexity, focusing on distribution and regional strategies, with a bigger emphasis on AEVs.
Sim Interface and Decisions: We provided an overview of the simulation interface and walked through the decisions students make during the simulation. We also covered market reports, analysis tools, product development, and strategic positioning.

  • Pro-forma Report: This report updates in real-time as decisions are entered, allowing participants to see the immediate financial impacts of their decisions.
  • Product Contribution Report: This report shows all vehicles in one place, highlighting their total contribution to the firm’s revenue. It’s essential for understanding product profitability.
  • Sales by Microsegment Report: This tool helps identify underperforming products. By analyzing this data, participants can conduct focus groups to gather targeted customer feedback and make strategic product adjustments.

Review the Webinar: For a full demo and detailed information on StratSim, please review our webinar recording above.
If you are interested in learning more or incorporating StratSim into your course, please contact us at We look forward to working with you!
Interpretive Team